This intensive is for entrepeneurs who are seeking to learn Ari Squires' 7-step 'Chains to Change' process for long-lasting success, from the inside out!

What Heart-Driven Decision Are You Facing Right Now?

The one that has been speaking loudly to you for some time now. Are you in search of something that:

  • Fills your entire body with excitement, and your stomach with butterflies.
  • Will allow your true passions and your true self to be fully expressed.
  • Calling you into more expansion, higher vibrations, more money, peace, and joy.
  • Will break the generational cycle and set you and your family free!

The Self-Mastery Success Program is a workshop, not a conference. We will work collectively on how to operate at your highest self to become one of the most highly valued and highly paid people in your marketplace.

The height that a man or woman can take their
success is dictated by their self-mastery.

Case Studies

"I hired Ari just wanting to be a good makeup artist, but after working with her I went from having zero customers at first to being completely booked up through the spring and summer. With the help of her amazing coaching services and mastermind group, I am now able to have multiple revenue sources through my business, increased clientele, and endless network of business professionals and the confidence and know-how to make my business a six-figure business."

Shavon Dotson

Flawless Faces by Shavon
"I’ve made more money working with Ari in one month than I have my entire six years in business. She is nothing but a blessing!"

Stephanie McNeal-Brown

Founder of Heartbreak to Happy Forgiveness Coaching
"My goal before working with Ari as my business coach was to have consecutive $5k+ months. I am happy to announce that over the past six months I have done just that and October 2018 (exactly one year after working with Ari) I had my FIRST $13k month!!!

Other than the multitude of expert business strategies I've received from Ari what stands out the most is how she's helped build my confidence and that has made me become mentally stronger and believing more in myself.

I knew after making $13,000 from my first live event with Ari's assistance 8 months ago...I made the right decision to invest in myself."

Meisha Pigford

CEO Dream Celebrations
"My Travel retreats were not selling out until I started working with Ari. If it wasn’t for her coaching and guidance my business would not have come this far."​​

Faye Brown

Cater2UTravels, LLC

Part of the process of self-mastery is knowing that your inner cheerleader knows the path to more freedom, joy, wealth, peace, abundance & fulfillment. It knows the higher plan, and the steps you need to take to achieve your biggest dreams, live your greatest potential and create a life you love.

Are you trusting in your heart's intuition or being held captive by:

  • FEAR: Feeling afraid of failure, of judgment, of getting it wrong, of not being good enough, or of it not working out. (i.e. fear of rejection to call on an influencer for help)
  • DOUBT: Worrying that you can't do it, you don't have what it takes and that it will not work out. (i.e. hiring a new team/staff member)
  • LIMITING BELIEFS: Those inner stories that make you believe your next level is impossible. (i.e. you keep replaying the stories your parents, grandparents or family members believe and passed down to you). YOU'RE READY TO BREAK THE CYCLE!
  • BEING OVERWHELMED: Becoming confused with conflicting thoughts on where to begin, how to begin and what to do. (i.e. taking on a new big project feels like too much)
  • COMPARISON: Feeling like others are already doing what you want to do and in a much better way. (If you're honest. Don't worry. Self-Mastery breaks this chain)
  • LACK MENTALITY: Thinking that you don't have the time, or money, or resources, or skills, or the support.
  • PEOPLE PLEASING: Worrying about what other people think and trying to make them happy over yourself. You've given others SO much, but what about you?
  • FEELING UNSUPPORTED: Perhaps you don't have any like-minded people believing in you and encouraging you.
  • PROCRASTINATION: You find yourself avoiding and not prioritizing what you truly want to do.
  • FEELING STUCK: Maybe you started taking steps forward, but now you have hit a giant roadblock.

The Secret Weapon?

There's really no secret. It's ancient knowledge!

I've been teaching my business success blueprint for many years all across the country. During this time I taught the same proven-results system to everyone who invested time and money to learn. I noticed that my clients split themselves unconsciously into two groups:
The Wishers and The Doers.

Only if it's applied!

The Wishers would receive the proven knowledge, yet would never do anything with it.

The Doers would receive the same proven knowledge and aggressively apply it as if their lives depended on it.

Even though the Wishers and the Doers were both very smart, intelligent and bold enough to pursue the tough road of entrepreneurship, who do you think stood up, leveled up and bossed up? Who do you think made excuses, let fear win, and didn't see much mental, emotional and financial growth?

The answer is obvious.

The Results

I analyzed these two groups and compared them to the top 3% of entrepreneurs, power players, and influential leaders of the world, and came to the strong conclusion that there isn't anything wrong with the Wishers; they just need to develop the habits of the Doers. They need a community of Doers, clarity about their life, unshakable confidence that they can create the life that they want, and a mindset shift to take them on a new, deeper level. A step-by-step process of success so that it is fully comprehensible and can be easily executed.

However, still NONE of this would work IF we all do not:


Liberate ourselves from all the baggage that comes from identifying with an illusionary sense of ‘Self’.


Change our perception of that which makes us suffer and consequently become Masters of it.


Gives ourselves the freedom to act in full control of our whole selves, as a Master, instead of reacting unconsciously, as a Slave.

I also realized that although the Doers were able to implement and receive results, they too would get stuck in certain moments when it was time to level up. Becoming masters of ourselves is a daily practice. It doesn't matter how much success you have attained, no one is exempt from moments of not feeling stuck and some form of overwhelm.

Both groups have the tendency to replay stories in their minds, lack belief in their abilities, face fears and challenges. So my solution for both the Wishers and the Doers is:

Self-Mastery Success Summit & Mastermind, where you learn personal development formulas and business principles to become masters of yourselves so that you perform at your highest possible level..daily!

Don't read any further if you are NOT:

  1. Ready to PEEL back the layers to uncover your greatest potential.
  2. Ready to begin living life instead of letting your life or business live you.
  3. Ready to release the chains and PLAY BIGGER
  4. Ready to build a new future and create a world around you filled with what you love by taking your attention off what doesn't serve you.
  5. Concerned with using your POWER OF FOCUS in a constructive way by placing it powerfully and deliberately upon what you do want to create.
  6. Interested in discovering if your goals are actually true for you or if they are 'false targets'.
  7. Hungry to release your chains to create long-lasting, transformation shifts from the inside out.

Self-Mastery Success Summit & Mastermind is a 1-Day Intensive which offers the who’s who and the how-to for industry leading professionals who will be on hand to passionately guide you and give you further support.

This Success Summit & Mastermind IS For You If:

  1. Ready to PEEL back the layers to uncover your greatest potential.
  2. You find yourself daydreaming and imagining a life that is very different from what you are living now.
  3. You want to stop buying business course after business course, webinar after webinar and start investing in yourself (internally) so that you start seeing significant results.
  4. You want to do more work that feels deeply aligned with who you truly are and what you are passionate about.
  5. You want to come to a workshop and actually WORK so that your creative gifts and ideas bubbling within can be expressed and explored.
  6. You feel that you're on the cuff of your next level, a new chapter or expanded journey, but need the RIGHT plan of attack.
  7. You've had great successes but know you have an inner calling and you're ready to find clarity on what it is, and how to bring it to reality.
  8. You want to contribute more matter a factually to others and be of service by sharing your wisdom, messages, and gifts.
  9. You want to invest more time and energy in what you love to do, rather than what you should do or need to do.
  10. You want to serve from your true purpose and live with more intention and meaning.
  11. You are craving more freedom - the freedom to design your day, your schedule, your lifestyle and how you work so that it feels good to you and makes perfect sense.
  12. You want a mentor & community to hold you accountable and cheer you on as you work towards your dreams because that last coach or mentor was more hype than help.
  13. You're tired of hiding and playing small and you're ready to fully show up for what you really want.

Event Details

Date & Time:

Thursday, October 31, 2019 | 10am - 10pm


Friday, November 1, 2019

Business Breakthrough Brunch 11:00am - 3:00pm &

Hotel Accomodations

Courtyard Marriott Lithia Springs


Riverside EpiCenter, 135 Riverside Pkwy, Austell, GA 30168


#PillowTalk - Upgrade Your Mindset & Get Clarity on Your Vision

Learn how to:

  • Release the old stories, beliefs, and self-talk that are blocking you.
  • Use energy alignment tools to embody your highest self, elevate your vibration and connect with what you want to create.
  • Re-program your mind, build new beliefs and choose thoughts that empower you.
  • Let go of who you have learned who you need to be and discover who you really are.
  • Connect with and embody your true, authentic self.
  • Use mindfulness tools to get back in charge of your thoughts and align yourself with love, empowerment, and abundance.

#PillowTalk2 - Release Your Chains & Move Beyond Fear

Learn how to:

  • Break free from comparison-it is and no longer be distracted by what others are doing.
  • Release the patterns of perfectionism and procrastination that are preventing you from moving forward.
  • Stop worrying about the thoughts, opinions, and judgments of others.
  • Overcome crippling self-doubt and feelings of not being good enough, and activate unshakeable self-belief.
  • Deeply value, honor and celebrate your value, gifts, and worth.
  • Turn down the volume on your fear and begin to hear your loving inner wisdom.

#PillowTalk3 - Embody Your Power & Start Manifesting

Learn how to:

  • Activate your own inner power and anchor it into your body.
  • Overcome patterns of procrastination, overwhelm and making excuses.
  • Shift out of victim mindset and into abundance attraction thinking.
  • Clean up energy leaks through boundaries, saying no, shifting your priorities and managing your time and energy.
  • Use your focus, emotions, and energy to create what you desire.
  • Apply conscious creation tools to align with what you want, and start the manifestation of your dreams.

#LeadershipIdentity - Lead Others by First Leading Yourself

Learn how to:

  • Navigate the processes for success that are most commonly used to lead yourself and others.
  • Implement the principles to maximize your potential based on who you are as a human being.
  • Dive deep into the 'pit' to master what you do well.
  • Learn how to develop and APPLY your own rules of the road to absolute success.

#RelationshipEquity - Cultivating the Financial Assets in Your Brand: Your Customer & Business Relationship Equity

Learn how to:

  • Maximize your companies profitability through customer, leadership and business to business equity marketing system.
  • Build and cultivate winning teams.

#EmpireBuilding - Build Your Platform & Attract Your Tribe

Learn how to:

  • Create a powerful online and offline platform to express your authentic self such as; a blog/website, Instagram, online shop, youtube or podcast.
  • Clarify your ideal audience and effortlessly connect with them.
  • Learn Ari's Powerful 'Upside Down A Method" to harness the magic of authenticity, vulnerability, and truth-telling when communicating with your audience.
  • Set yourself apart and stand out in a noisy online world.
  • Call in your soul tribe of like-minded men and women who will support and inspire you.
  • Network (with heart) and build genuine, authentic relationships in your industry.

#Involution - Transition Out of the Old & Into the New

Learn how to:

  • Create your unique transition plan such as: transitioning to a more enjoyable job, transitioning to part-time, or leaving your job altogether (whatever is right for you).
  • Build up your business or side-business or passion project to support you in making your transition or reaching your next level.
  • Transition out of relationships, situations, structures that no longer feel authentic.
  • Release old habits or parts of yourself that are preventing you from expanding.
  • Change how you use your time and energy so it feels aligned with your values and priorities.

#InnerGuide - Work Intuitively & Be Guided From Within

Learn how to:

  • Run a business from your intuition by tuning inwards for guidance, actions steps, and the plan.
  • Balance action, structure & planning with intuition, flow and honoring your body and feelings.
  • Step into the unknown and work through periods of uncertainty by finding faith, support, and trust within.
  • Work through setbacks, roadblocks, ‘failures’ or periods of confusion and see them from a higher perspective.
  • Surrender the how, and the timings of your dreams and trust in the divine plan.

#BISKY - Dig Deeper & Play Bigger

Learn how to:

  • Heart-storm the big picture goals, intentions, and desires for what you want to create, experience and step into.
  • Tune in to receive the next level vision for your work and where you are being called to step up and play bigger
  • Stay motivated, committed, inspired and focused as you move towards big, risky dreams.
  • Practice patience, persistence, consistency, and resilience.
  • Upgrade your money mindset and beliefs to align with greater success, abundance, and opportunity.
  • Gain clarity on the inspired actions steps that you can take to continue your SELF-MASTERY expansion.

World Class Workshop Masters!

Ari Squires

From Chains to CHANGE, Facilitator

Ari Squires From Chains to CHANGE, Facilitator World Class Workshop Masters! Ari is on a heart-filled mission to empower teens, and entrepreneurs to do what they love and live their best life. An author, business advisor and an advocate for youth leadership, who empowers people all over the country to move beyond their fears, get clear on what they truly want and carve out a life they love.

Stedman Graham

New York Times Best-Selling Author, Entrepreneur

Stedman Graham has built a strong reputation for helping corporations, organizations, and individuals succeed. His life's work has been and continues to be focused on teaching the value and process of Identity Leadership. He is the Chairman and CEO of S. Graham & Associates, a management and marketing consulting firm.

Brandon Jones

Psychotherapist, Professor, Behavioral Health Consultant

Helping people heal from the past, grow in the present, and build a legacy for the future. Brandon Jones brings a down-to-earth and compassionate attitude to Mental Health.

Derek Taylor

Spiritual Advisor, Shaman and Energy Healer

Humanitarian personified Minister Taylor is the founder of “Oracles Touch,” the ground breaking company that employs several traditional modalities, such as “meditation, divination, visualization, hypnotism, Reiki, crystal healing, yoga and more” to help individuals realize their fullest potential.

A Message from Ari Squires

I am a solution-driven Wealth Coach, Writer, Speaker & Filmmaker, and for the past 6 years, I have been running a thriving Business Coaching business.

I have built my business to a place where I now have a booked out coaching schedule (and waitlist), highly engaged online communities of beautiful souls, an author of ten books, and I have had my work and messages featured across leading magazines and national television stations across the United States.

I have spent the past 6 years following my heart, living my passion and doing work I love, and throughout this time I have coached and mentored hundreds of passionate men & women to do the same.


I was not living my purpose or following my heart. Instead, I was living my life for others and doing what was expected of me so I could gain the approval of my parents and peers.

I was running a brick and mortar dance and performing arts school that drove me crazy and woke up almost every day with stress-filled migraines and feeling bored with my life. I knew deep down that I was destined for more. I had so many dreams, and I deeply yearned to share my messages of possibility and light with the world.

But I was terrified. I struggled with crippling self-doubt, the shame of my past and anxiety. I desperately wanted to create change but I had no idea where to begin, so I hid my true dreams and desires away inside of me. I just didn't feel good enough, smart enough or confident enough to make them a reality.


After years of internal self-sabotage, I finally decided to ask for help. I hired a Life Coach and I began to dig deep and do the real inner work. I began to listen to my heart and what I truly wanted. I transformed my mindset, faced my fears, healed my wounds, learned to love myself more, and stopped playing and took baby steps forward to operate at my highest self, daily. I then started sharing my inner thoughts on Facebook and began sharing my authentic self with others. I built social media communities and began spreading my message further. I attended countless events and workshops, read books after book after book to conclude that my DNA was laced with TRAUMA and then I found my tribe of hungry possibility-seekers!

I then took a brave and risky (BRISKY) leap and invested in my Business Coaching training, and started working with clients. Less than 12 months later, I closed my six-figure income dance school to step full time into running a service-based business, and I haven't looked back since.

So yes I know the head/heart battle well. I know what it feels like to have a dream but to also feel totally STUCK IN MY GENERATIONAL SHIT, unworthy and incapable of having it. I know the pain of crippling self-doubt, of comparison and of feeling totally and utterly frustrated.

But I also know how amazing it feels to finally get onto your true path without caring what other people have to say about it! As I learned how to connect with my heart, to value my gifts, to believe in myself, to be my own cheerleader, to take risks, invest in self-mastery and to listen to my intuition, my life has transformed beyond my wildest dreams.

And now (with all my heart) I want to support you to do the same.


Maybe you know that you can no longer run. You know that you can no longer suppress who you are, hide away your true self and ignore your deepest desires.

You know it is time to find the courage to listen deeply to your heart, peel back the layers, heal and to honor your passions and authentic gifts. You know it is TIME to trust your inner guide and take new steps forward even if it feels unfamiliar or scary.

You can't keep being scared and wounded all you life...


"Last year, I stepped away from my business to develop @themillbuzz. This year in February, I hired my new business coach and I hit the ground running bringing in new clients who want to write and publish their books and learn to pitch to the media. ​

While most people had holiday plans this past weekend, I had PROFIT plans to get this money! Traveling and vacays are essential, but so is leveling up and making money.

First off, let me say, I’ve worked with two other business coaches and no shade but they don’t compare to @arisquiresspeaks. She is authentic, passionate, and extremely knowledgeable when it comes to business and profit attraction. She is on her way to being a millionaire and I’m blessed to be her client as she coaches me through taking my business to the next level. If you’re a business owner, you definitely need a REAL business coach who has been where you want to go and is teaching you what they have done to help you to get unstuck and identify new strategies for your business and getting money.

This weekend was our first of four 2-day Profit Attraction Masterminds and it was DOPE AF!! Ari is DOPE AF!! And my fellow sisters who attended were all assisted with various areas within our businesses. Masterminds are the best because not only do you learn from your coach but also the other attendees!! Next is implementation and now that my son is about to be out of school in the next couple of weeks, I will have even more time to focus on my goals and implementation.

This past weekend was amazing!! And when you have a coach that goes above and beyond makes the coaching experience even better. Ari, thank you again sooooo much!!! We eating!

Patrice Tartt

Writing Coach, Founder of Mill Buzz​

Applications Are Now Being Accepted for this Intimate One-Day Intensive

Don't wait we are anticipating another Sell Out! APPLY TODAY!

Option 1

General Summit

Entry to all sessions - ONE Day - included. Monthly coaching before the summit, and FREE Copy of Stedman Graham's New Book, 'Identity Leadership'.

Option 2

Luxurious Mastermind

Everything in General, PLUS Bonus Intimate Mastermind Luncheon and photo's with Stedman Graham, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner and Bonus Business Breakthrough DAY on Nov. 1st.

Plan to stay for two days to meet with my Success Team and Circle to join us for our Business Masterminds and Business Breakthrough sessions. Get up close and personal with my celebrity mentors, profit teams and influencers who have paved the way for me and many more... This is the time to work on that "Relationship Equity." Some opportunities are just PRICELESS!


VENDOR Opportunities

Do you offer a great product or service? Don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with other business owners and get your products in the right hands.

You May Be Wondering What Makes the
Self-Mastery Success Summit & Mastermind So Special

Well, it’s no ONE thing… but here are a few differentiators…

It’s REAL.

Unlike other events, Self-Mastery Success Summit isn’t all “rah-rah” rainbows and butterflies… It’s honest, no-holds barred, often tough love that shakes you up and sets you straight. Belief, faith and the law of attraction are great (and we live by and teach it daily)… but they need to be backed up with solid strategies and real tactical, practical tools for implementation. We are committed to having YOU walk away with actionable “to dos” and tools to move the needle right away in your businesses and life.

It’s FUN.

There’s no easy way to describe how it “feels” to be surrounded by a select group of smart, ambitious, powerful entrepreneurs (aspiring or seasoned), all of whom are in that room because they too are committed to success and greatness. The fact is, it’s FUN – and we take great care to make it so, with interactive sessions, games, competitions, surprises, a live DJ and more… the time will FLY by. No boring pedantic speakers, promise!!


If this event isn’t everything you hoped it would be within the first three hours… and more, we will refund your registration. No arguments, no excuses, a full refund. All that we ask is that you tell us WHY so we can improve next time.

What They're Saying About My Events!

"Powerful weekend is an understatement! I just knew I had to be at the conference and didnt know why. But as Adrienne Helovesme Thomas said I’ve never attended a conference that focused on so many aspects of our lives: business, finance, relationships and entrepreneurship. I met new friends, fellowshiped and grew as a woman. I cried so much! I felt blindsided because at one point I said to myself “I wasn’t expecting ALL of this!” I learned how to be vulnerable and transparent all while giving me the kick in the butt I needed to keep moving forward. As a a therapist, there aren’t many opportunities to just let my hair down and be me because I am superwoman to everyone else during the week. So this weekend was worth it and it renewed my faith in women supporting women towards our purpose in life. I can’t wait to see what R Ari Squires has in store for us next year! Total exhale moments all through the weekend!"

K. Ann Robinson

"This event was awesome and it offers so much insight into the world of business and finance. I can't believe I learned so much. Man, I didn't want to go home. The energy in the room was like something I've never experienced before. Release The Chains is a MUST ATTEND event for anyone looking to grow themselves and their businesses. I can't wait for next year!"

Edward E. Mosley, Jr.

“I have attended a lot of conferences in my lifetime …but never one as powerful as this….The experience was real and I thank God for Ari and she does to impact the lives of so many."

Felicia Fuller